Top Ten Tuesday 3/7/23: Bookish People I’d Like to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Happy Tuesday. This week’s topic is another really fun one: Bookish People I’d Like To Meet (These can be authors, book characters, book bloggers/influencers, cover designers, cover models, etc.)

I’d need to time travel for some of these but a girl can dream. Here’s my list….

1. Jane Austen
She’s one of my favorites and how interesting would it be to meet her to know what her daily life was like. I’ve watched Becoming Jane so many times.

2. Ulysses S. Grant
My favorite president and he was a reader and wrote a memoir before passing away. It’s amazing we don’t know what so many of these older historical figures sounded like since tape recorders weren’t invented during their time.

3. Stephen King
I’m a huge King fan and I tried to get tickets to one of his speaking events in Massachusetts pre-pandemic. I went onto the venue website once the purchase link went live but with the amount of people trying to buy tickets at once, the site crashed. I was willing to drive the nearly 5 hours there just to hear him speak about his latest book.

4. My fellow book bloggers
And I’ve known some of you online for several years, we’ve been chatting books and visiting each other’s blog for so long. Much of my reading selection is due to my fellow blog blogging friends.

5. J.K. Rowling
I’d love to meet her, I read the HP series 2x.

6. Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet is one of my favorite books. I think a conversation with him would be really interesting.

7. Dean Koontz
I’d like to meet Dean Koontz. He seems so nice and like he has a great sense of humor.

8. Pablo Neruda
I love his poetry. My copy of Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair is well read.

9. Vincent van Gogh
How amazing would it be to speak with Van Gogh? I have a book of his insightful thoughts and quotes.

10. Emily Brontë
Wuthering Heights is a favorite classic, I want to talk about Heathcliff with her.

That wraps up my list of bookish people I’d love to meet. Who would be on your list?

17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday 3/7/23: Bookish People I’d Like to Meet

  1. So we could get to meet Pablo Neruda together: we could meet our favorite poet AND meet a co-book blogger, lol. I’m sure you have read they recently finally made it public that he was poisoned, for political reasons. Well, basically everyone already knew about it, but it’s finally official.
    I was lucky to go to Book Expo America a few years ago, when it was exceptionally in Chicago. Indeed it wad fun to meet a few book bloggers I had been interacting with online

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That would be amazing!! And I did read that about Neruda yes, that’s crazy about the poison.
    Book expo sounds so fun, I need to do something like that one day.


  3. I love your answers! I’d love to meet Jane Austen, Pablo Neruda and Van Gogh too! And, of course book blog friends. I’ve had an opportunity to meet a couple and it’s been a lot of fun but would definitely love to meet many more.

    Liked by 1 person

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