Sunday Post 2/18/18: Reading, Mr. Darcy, Crochet and More Snow

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The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog…


Happy Sunday everyone. We woke up to a beautiful snowy scene here this morning. It started last night around 5 pm and went through the early morning hours and it is that pretty fluffy kind of snow. We got around 5 inches by us. I don’t mind snowy weekends, it is snowy workdays that are a pain. I will take a few pictures when I venture out later and share them on next week’s post. Supposedly the temps are going to get up into the 70’s by midweek so I that will be a nice change.

This past week was one of the longest work weeks ever, complete with commuting over one hour for a meeting and a few late nights at the office plus notice of my being chosen for a special team project that will last about 4 weeks. I gladly took Friday off to run important errands and we have Monday off for President’s Day so at least I’m enjoying a long 4 day weekend. I got alot of things taken care of on Friday and Saturday and it feels nice to take those off my “to do” list.

I don’t have book mail to share this week yet, as I resisted the NetGalley urge, but I did treat myself and ordered a book yesterday on Amazon. I will share it for next time.

Watching: (aside from the Olympics)
I finally got around to watching the six episode mini-series of Pride and Prejudice this weekend. P&P is one of my favorite Austen novels and I love the 2005 film version and this mini-series was great. Now I can’t decide who my favorite Darcy is, Matthew MacFadyen or Colin Firth. They both have that Darcy glare down pact. I think it is a tie. Have you seen these films, who is your favorite Darcy? Speaking of which, I found some hilarious P&P memes on Instagram at @JaneAustenHumor like this one:

I’ve also been working on color pooling a blanket with the Red Heart Neon Stripes yarn I bought a few weeks back. I was happy to finally be able to pool this yarn, after a few attempts I had my doubts because the color changes in the yarn are long so it is a little more complicated, but I chose to go with the granny stitch method using the pattern over at Marly Bird and it worked out so nicely.
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Color pooling can be tricky but it is beyond addictive and yields beautiful results with no weaving in of ends as the colors change and you get that great diamond like pattern.

Reading wise, this past week I reviewed:
Crochet Kaleidoscope Shifting Shapes and Shades Across 100 Motifs by Sandra Eng , which is a great pattern book with unique ideas for motifs.

Currently reading:
I’m still reading Idyll Fears: A Thomas Lynch Novel by Stephanie Gayle which started off well enough but has gotten slow now. I wanted more suspense and tension in the story-line, but to be honest I am getting bored with it. I have to keep reading however as it was an AmazonVine book and will remain in my review queue if I don’t post my thoughts on it. I hope it picks up again soon. I should be finished reading by now and it actually put me into a mini-book slump so I picked up my copy of Nights in Rodanthe and have been re-reading that. I want to keep up my reading pace for my 50 books read in 2018 goal. The Sparks novel is as good as I remember it from many years ago when I first read it. I have about 40 pages to go, I was up late last night reading.


That about wraps it up for now. How was your week? Enjoy the upcoming week!


disclaimer: Nothing in this post is available for download, the photos are my own.
Some of the links in the post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small affiliate commission.

31 thoughts on “Sunday Post 2/18/18: Reading, Mr. Darcy, Crochet and More Snow

  1. Oooh, it’s a tough call but I think I’m going to go with Colin Firth as my favorite Mr. Darcy. He just perfectly captures the version of Mr. Darcy I always have in my head while reading the book.

    I look forward to seeing your snowy pics. I agree with you on snowy weekends too. It’s nice to be able to enjoy the snow when you don’t have somewhere you have to be. Snowy workdays are the worst, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I do like Colin Firth, but since I’ve seen him in movies in which he played an evil character…I’m not sure I like him for anything. lol.

    I love the snowy pic.

    I’m curious about Idyll Fears, and then I was reminded that it’s been ages since I ordered anything off of Amazon Vine! Usually I have so many NetGalley books that I don’t dare.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have seen Colin Firth only as a sweet romantic lead and he’s definitely a fav….I’d like to see him playing a bad guy. What movie was that?
      Yes, I still get books and products from Vine on a regular basis. Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Enjoy your 4 day weekend! Those are the best. And it snowed here too, so everything is white again after a lot of it melted earlier in the day. Silly weather!

    I’ve seen those films and even though I’m not a huge Austen reader I do like Colin Firth in the role.

    Idyll Fears looks good with that cover, sorry to hear it’s so slow! Hope it picks up!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Another Colin Firth fan here, however that might also be because he starred in one of the television adaptations of a Ruth Rendell novel, way back in 1994 and I enjoyed that. Mind you, he is pretty good in whatever he does!

    No more snow here Thank Goodness, although they do say that temperatures are due to drop considerably towards the end of the week. We did feel the tremors from a relatively small earthquake here yesterday, although for us 4.6 is quite a high rating. The epicentre was well over 100 hundred miles away in south Wales, but although I never noticed it some 12 miles away from home, at work, the earth definitely moved for hubbie!

    I finished a book way back on Monday, but I just haven’t had the urge to pick up another one since and to be honest, I’m not really sure what is even calling to me right now! Perhaps I’ll have another browse of the shelves later on this evening.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy the upcoming week, especially your extra day off tomorrow, no more of those for us until Easter 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, Colin Firth is one of the good ones. The temps are already rising here and the snow is melting. That’s always scary about feeling those tremors, it just hits unexpectedly. I can’t imagine a full on earthquake.
      Happy reading to you and happy weekend 🙂


  5. Oh man. I need to catch up on the Olympics. I watched the first few days but keep forgetting about it until I see the news posting the winners. I’m sure having a winter backdrop as you watch the winter Olympics is pretty nice.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. We also had the snow last night. It was nice for a Saturday night.

    I love Jane Austen novels but I have only seen a minimum of screening adaptations. I need to watch more.

    50 books a year is a good goal that I also would like to reach. With that, I am on my second 800 page book of the year. That has really slowed me down.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love those vibrant colors! I’m sure your blanket is going to be beautiful. I haven’t seen the 2005 P&P version but Colin Firth is my favorite. I just know it. I love him in everything else I’ve seen… I think I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve watched Bridget Jones’s Diary & Love, Actually! haha….


  8. Oh, I wish I could crotchet, that looks so pretty. I like both P&P but I have to agree it’s a tie for me as well. I own the version with Matthew though. I could watch it over and over. Have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I vastly prefer Colin Firth as Darcy, but that might be partly because the production of the BBC series is so much more true to the novel. I also LOVE ‘The Jane Austen Book Club’ and strongly recommend it, absolutely lovely film.

    Liked by 1 person

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