I’m back, well kind of

Hello all, writing this post feels both strange and like second nature.

I’ve missed blogging very much and decided to return to blog land. My blog will not be as busy as before, but I will be popping in here and there to post my reviews, thoughts, etc. as time allows.

I’m having fun with WordPress, I feel like they have so many more options. I’ve added my Twitter to the sidebar, as I’ve been getting kind of addicted to Tweeting. Also, please leave me your blog links in the comments section so I can add them to my blogroll. I apologize in advance, I know it can be a pain to update links and whatnot, my new blog address is https://bookwormnai.wordpress.com/ .

I’ve also linked up my Goodreads to the sidebar there. Although my blog was gone, I was still reading and reviewing so I’ll be publishing those reviews here from time to time. I read some gems these few months and discovered new favorite authors.

Well, I will begin and end off with a photo of Otis. He is as feisty and funny as ever and he is one year old as of December 18.
Thank you for stopping by and happy reading! It feels good to be back. How have you been? I kept in contact with some of my blog friends through emails, Facebook, Instagram and on Twitter and that was nice, so thank you for that.
xo, Naida


“Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” -Mark Twain

26 thoughts on “I’m back, well kind of

  1. YAY!!!!! Welcome back! Your new blog looks gorgeous–I love the header and design. I can’t believe cutie pie Otis is 1 already! Great quotation by Mark Twain. 🙂


  2. Hi Naida,

    It is good to have you back, even if it is only for a quick chat now and then.

    I hope that you now feel able to set your own pace with the posting and reviewing and that you will enjoy some good company and conversation from time to time.

    WordPress is a great tool, isn’t it?

    Have a fantastic week 🙂



  3. Hello Yvonne, yes, this time around maybe once or twice a week I will log onto blog land. We had a snow day here today so I was able to get homework out of the way, I even baked cupcakes then I figured I’d log on for a little while.
    I do like WordPress 🙂
    Enjoy your week.


  4. Welcome back, Naida! I’m so glad to hear you’re back to blogging! 😊

    And I love that pic of Otis. ☺


  5. Naida it’s so good to see you back (and Otis too)! I missed your blog! I know it’s hard to keep up what with life going on but I’m glad you are back. Last year was also very hit or miss for me on my blog but I am still hanging in there. I love it but I just find it hard to keep up with it too. Anyway welcome back!


    • Thanks for stopping in Iliana. I know, it can be hard to keep up with it. I’m just going to take it easy.


  6. Hi Naida,

    Good to see you back. I’ll add your updated site to my link list. The header is lovely. Even if you don’t blog as much as before, you’ll get the benefit of not feeling pressured by various blog event deadline, and it’s likely to be more fun.


  7. So glad you are back, you were missed. I have slowed down with my blogging also. But like you I am still reading and posting my thoughts.

    Otis is such a cutie, and he poses so expertly. My doggie Joey will be 15 in April, my how time flies. Thanks for visiting and inviting me to visit your new blog. I will be looking forward to reading each new post.


  8. I am so glad that you are back. I have missed your posts.

    As for your site not being as active as it used to be, you will likely still blog more frequently then me.

    WordPress does seem so much better then Blogger. In retrospect I am sorry that I went with Blogger at the beginning.

    Otis is as cute as always.


    • Hi Brian, thank you 🙂 It’s good to be back. I do like WordPress more, it feels like it’s much more rounded out as far as easily being able to share posts on Twitter, Facebook..etc…it’s more connected.


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