Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 7/26/2020: Goodbye July

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The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog…
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists….

Good morning all. I can’t believe July has nearly come and gone. I hope you are doing well. I’ve not been on blog land much lately, between work and everything else sometimes it’s hard to find time and motivation to blog.
Not much happening here thankfully just the usual. The weather has been very hot and humid and in the high 90’s lately. I’ve been watching tv and crocheting alot inside with the air conditioning. For now I’m still working from home for over 100 days which I’m grateful for. I actually started going to the office for a few hours on Saturday mornings when it’s empty. It’s weird going back after so long and feels very odd working alone, it feels surreal. Usually there’s 18 people in my department and a few hundred in the building during normal life pre-quarantine.

My husband is back to work now with social distancing from his co-workers and wearing masks but it still stresses me out to no end. He got tested just to be extra careful since he’s been back to work and it took over 14 days to get the results back, negative thankfully but that’s a long time to wait on results.

Anyway, we still go for walks often early in the day to avoid people, below is a pic I took recently at the park.

onto my bookish updates…

Recently on the blog:

I’ve been officially in a reading slump but I finally managed to finish The House We Grew Up In and I shared my thoughts on that this past week.

Reading next:

Final Flight by Eric Anderson

In My Mailbox:

The Silent Wife: A Novel (Will Trent) came via the publisher.

Instant Attraction (Wilder Book 1) was free from Amazon Prime. I’ve been wanting to read Jill Shavis so I was happy to grab a copy of this one.

Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop by Rebecca Raisin was also free through Prime and I really need to make time for this one. I’ve read this author before and enjoyed her work.

Coming soon on the blog:

This upcoming week I am sharing a poem on Tuesday as part of Serena’s Poetry Challenge and on Wednesday I have an author spotlight for Mary Keliikoa so I hope you come back for those posts if they interest you.

I watched Hamilton on Disney+ and it was very good and I had the songs stuck in my head for days.
Now I’m hooked on The Handmaids Tale and can’t stop watching. It took me two episodes in to finally get totally sucked into it. This has a very twisted storyline.

I finally watched Doctor Sleep which is the sequel to The Shining. I loved the book but the movie, not so much.

I finished up another set of potholders in cotton. I have so much cotton yarn laying around I’ve been making sets like these for family and close friends.


That’s about it for now. How are you doing? What are you reading? Watching? Enjoy your week and stay well.

Some of the links in the post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small affiliate commission. The photos here are my own and not to be removed from this post.

33 thoughts on “Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 7/26/2020: Goodbye July

  1. I also am still working from home. I might go back to the office in September, perhaps part of the time. I am actually hoping that I can work my from home part of the time on a regular basis.

    I recently rewatched The Shining and then I saw Doctor Sleep for the first time. I liked the film. Now I am rereading The Shining and I will move on and read Doctor Sleep. It has been a while since I read King.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Brian, that’s good you are still working from home too. I would like to do the same, work from home on a part-time basis even once things are back to somewhat normal.
      Have fun reading King! Those are two of my favorite books of his.


  2. Hi Naida,

    Hubbie is also still working from home and like both yourself and Brian, hopes to be able to continue to do so!

    The Hospice charity shops haven’t all opened up again yet, so I am also home right now, although I am still debating whether to go back at all, or after 25 years to hang up my charity hat and say I have done my bit!

    We are trying to get back to whatever passes for the new normal, so I have met up with a couple of friends and hubbie and I have been out for Sunday brunch. But on the whole we are both still very wary about where we go and at what time of day. I know this sounds silly, but the single thing which bothers me the most, is needing to use public toilets, so we are generally staying close enough to home, to get back when we need to!

    I love the pot holders you have been making and it is a great way to use up some of the smaller amounts of yarn, because you can work several colours together. I haven’t so much as picked up my crochet since lockdown, in the same way as we have watched next to no television at all. Maybe the odd news programme in the evening whilst we are eating dinner, so I have nothing much to report on that front and to be honest, I haven’t missed it at all. I have finished 3 or 4 jigsaw puzzles though and I have found that quite relaxing.

    I have been busy with Blog Tour / Review features at Fiction Books, so that has kept me busy. I have also read quite a few books and got a little ahead of my commitments, so that is all good! There have been quite a few bloggers leaving the circuit recently which has been quite sad. Most simply can’t keep up with the amount of work running a successful blog involves and several made the same comments about being fed up with writing pretty much the same thing for each review, when they can go to Goodreads or NetGalley and just leave a few lines about a book, rather than have to put together an entire post!

    I really like the sound of all your books this week, as whenever I can, I have been branching out to read outside of my usual genres and trying something new. You have just undone all that progress I had made by adding all those new titles to my TBR!

    Thanks for sharing and stop by whenever you can, as you are sorely missed 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Yvonne, wow 25 years at the charity shop! That’s incredible, good for you.
      funny you mention the public restrooms that is my main concern if we go out. I have not used a public restroom since this whole pandemic started.

      Thank you, the potholders are fun to make and I like the pattern. Crocheting is therapeutic.
      I’m trying to catch up on blog feature posts and found a few to share in the upcoming weeks myself. It’s nice to get caught up and ahead of blogging schedule. I know, it’s sad seeing some bloggers go, but it does happen. I enjoy typing up posts and worry sometimes if I’m getting too wordy but my blog is almost like a diary sometimes.
      Enjoy your jigsaws and have a good week! Glad to add to your TBR 🙂


  3. I love the crotcheting, the potholders are lovely. We tend to knit but my daughter wants me to teach her crotchet. I’m glad to hear you can get outside. I’m reading The Silent Wife and loving it. Jill Shalvis is a long-time go-to author for me. Enjoy your new reads!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The potholders are so pretty. I’d keep them as decorations instead 😉 Still need to try a Jill Shavis too. And, Rebecca Raisin has become a recent favorite. Have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is hard when someone has to go back! Very nerve wracking. and that is a long time for test results. Wow.

    I’ve liked the Lisa Jewell books I’ve read.

    Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That is a very long time to wait! By the time you get the results, you could be over it haha. But I am glad the results came back negative, it can put everyone else’s mind at ease!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you and yay for Hamilton, it was great.
      I’m hooked on Handmaids Tale right now, enjoy it if you start watching again.
      Have a good week ahead!


  7. Two weeks is way too long for test results. My daughter and her husband were tested before traveling to another state. They had results in 2-3 days. I hope you all stay well!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love all the new books you received and those three authors should be able to get you out of your reading slump. My children are all starting to slowing go back to working from the office. I can imagine how strange it must feel after so long. I have always worked from home so it’s not much different for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, I’ve been reading more this week so I’m glad about that. I know, the thought of going back full time seems strange to me, I’ve gotten very used to working from home and I like it.
      Enjoy your week ahead!


    • Yes, I need to go back to that bench with my book though.

      That’s crazy you’re not allowed to wear masks? Here it’s mandatory inside and you’re supposed to wear them outside if you’re not 6 feet apart.
      Stay well and happy reading this week.


  9. Naida,
    Oh, Otis is such a cutie! The potholders are beautiful, and useful as well. I use the ones you crocheted for me all the time. I’m glad you’re able to work remotely. I’ve been back at the office after working remotely but we have a much smaller operation. Hamilton is an amazing show! We finished watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and now look forward to a new season. Enjoy your reading this week, and stay healthy! Good-bye, July!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Susan, Otis makes me smile every day lol I’m so glad you use the potholders I sent. 🙂
      That’s good you’ve been enjoying watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, I’ve heard it’s good.
      Stay well and happy reading this week!


  10. We have had a policy in our office since April that clients must wear a mask and make an appointment (so we don’t have many in the office at one time). I am disappointed that some people continue to ignore and resent the request. We have masks to provide if people don’t bring their own.
    Your books look good.
    I always like to see your crochet projects… and Otis. They are both cute!
    Stay safe and Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a good policy and you’re awesome to provide masks if they don’t bring one. And yes, it’s crazy some people try to argue staying safe.
      Thank you and have a good week ahead too!


  11. I’m working in health care and I’m out making house calls for vulnerable seniors, so I’m out there but with full protective equipment. You get used to it after a time. No choice. When not making house calls I work from home. Reading books and biking sure distracts me from all of this.

    Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop looks lovely, like a perfect feel-good book. Enjoy your new books!

    Liked by 1 person

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