Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 8/23/2020: Updates, Crochet and Co-Reading

sunday (249x249)mm
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog…
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists….

Good morning and happy Sunday. I hope this post finds you well. I have been very M.I.A. these past few weeks. Just life in general, very busy with long work-days and I’ve had some health issues these past few weeks so that always makes it harder to get into a relaxed frame of mind for things like blogging. I’ve had some kind of allergic skin reaction…again…and this time it’s a real mystery. I took a round of steroid pills which did not help. Then I had blood-work done and that came back fine and two skin biopsies which I’m still waiting on results for. It’s not fun being unwell and not knowing the cause of it but I’m hoping to get some answers soon. Anyway, weather-wise we’ve had some very hot days but I can feel the weather turning now and it’s nice and cool in the mornings and evenings with September around the corner. My parents are coming over today so we’re bbq’ing for them and eating outside which will be good to see them and catch up a bit. We are still doing the same here with social distancing and as of now I’m not due to go back to the office until maybe on a rotating schedule in October.

Onto my bookish updates….

coming up:
My thoughts on Final Flight by Eric Anderson will be up soon. I feel so guilty about this review being this late but *sigh* that’s life sometimes.

in my mailbox:
The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever (Garrett Family Saga) came via Sourcebooks Casablanca. They had me at “cowboy” and “Christmas”.

head full
I grabbed a copy of A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay because I wanted something scary to read with Fall around the corner.

Reading now:
I’m excited to announce that I am co-reading  The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen with Velvet. I purchased this book this past April as part of a read-a-long I saw on Instagram but that fell through. I still wanted to read this one and I remembered that Velvet grabbed a copy as well after seeing my Mailbox post. I reached out to see if she wanted to co-read and she said yes so *yay*. So far I am enjoying this memoir and it is just what I need right now, I’m finding it very interesting and zen. Matthiesen’s descriptive writing is taking me away. This is his memoir about a trip he took through Tibet in the 1970’s with a zoologist named George Schaller.

“Where the valley narrows to a canyon, there is a tea house and some huts, and here a pack train of shaggy Mongol ponies descends from the mountain in a melody of bells ad splashes across the swift green water at the ford. From the tea house, a trail climbs steeply toward the southwest sky.” -p. 18

Velvet is awesome and made us a reading schedule. We each post our thoughts on our weekly updates post as we read. You will see me share what I think here the next few Sundays before my final review post.

I’ve been crocheting several potholder sets during quarantine to use up my cotton yarn stash. I recently made these for my mom and will give them to her today.


That about covers it for now, thank you so much for always stopping in and for your thoughtful comments. I will be catching up little by little with blog hopping. Have a great week ahead and let me know what you are up to lately. xo


Some of the links in the post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small affiliate commission. The photos here are my own and not to be removed from this post.

30 thoughts on “Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 8/23/2020: Updates, Crochet and Co-Reading

  1. Sorry to hear about your skin issue. I hope that the problem clears up soon. It can be especially frustrating when one cannot determine the cause of an ailment.

    I have heard good things about The Snow Leopard. I look forward to reading your thoughts about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve has all kinds of allergic reactions in my life. If I have major skin issues, sometimes I have to ice it. I still take Hydroxyzine at night so I don’t itch my skin during the night.Sometimes it is dry skin or eczema so I moisturize well and use non smelly soaps. Good luck.

    We are slightly cooler but not quite where I want to be, still too close to 90, lower 80s is better. Enjoy your new reads!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

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  3. Oh no sorry to hear about the skin condition. Hopefully you get a good answer soon. It is hard not knowing.

    I’m liking the cooler mornings too. And hope you had a great BBQ today!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Naida, I hope the skin issue is not too serious. Good luck with that! As usual, I adore your crocheted work. You have a lovely talent! I hope you enjoyed your cook-out with your parents. I look forward to hearing more about your co-reading with Velvet. It’s been very hot here but is supposed to get cooler soon. I hope so!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sorry about the skin issues. Nice to have some family time outdoors. We’ve been doing that a lot. With winter around the corner and the threat of prolonged “shelter in home” orders I’m trying to get as much time in the garden with family as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So sorry about the skin issue. I have had something similar for a few months, off and on. An allergic reaction to something…or eczema of some form. Doctor thinks it might be the latter.

    Which doesn’t help, right? Video chatting with the doctor in these times doesn’t work as well as live visits.

    Good luck with yours!

    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Naida,

    It is lovely to have you back online again and I hope that they manage to diagnose your skin issues very soon. I have tried very hard not to have to visit the doctor and mix with all those people and we have both managed to stay healthy for the entire year so far. We are going to have to venture down for our flu vaccinations soon, as they are thinking of making it compulsory for all over 50’s to have one.

    I hope your mum liked her pot covers, the colour combination is really nice.

    I quite liked the sound of ‘Final Flight’, however the reviews are not very good, so I shall wait and see what you think about it first.

    I don’t tend to read too many ‘seasonal’ books, I just fit them in as and when I want to and we all need a little bit of heart and romance in our reading 🙂

    Take care and I will catch up with you very soon 🙂

    Yvonne xx

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    • Hi Yvonne, it’s still a mystery but I’ve got my fingers crossed for it to either clear up or to get some answers soon. Glad you are doing well over there. I can’t believe flu season is coming again already. We get our flu shots yearly too.
      My mom loved the potholders and I am going to make her something else soon.
      Enjoy your week and happy reading! I’m so behind on my reviews yikes!


  8. Sorry to hear about your skin rashes. I had some in my 20s but, PTL, they went away. I had a secretary years ago who suddenly developed very severe allergies in her 40s. So strange. She had to completely watch and change her diet. I sure hope they find a cause and can provide you some relief quickly.
    Cowboy and Christmas catch my attention too. 🙂
    I save my ghostly and horror stories for September and October too.
    Have a good week. Enjoy your lovely crocheting and Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with health issues. That is never fun and I just hope you get some good results and this can clear up soon for you. The pot holders you made are so cheery. I’m sure your mom will love them. I had to laugh a bit about the late review. I’m still reviewing ARCs I received like 5 years ago! haha.. Well, better late than never. Looking forward to your book reviews and hope you are having a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Never fun at the best of times but its even more challenging at the moment. Here’s hoping they get you sorted soon.

    The Best Cowboy Christmas Ever sounds like a wonderful addition to the Seasonal Reading Challenge I generally find myself participating in in December. It sounds like it could be a fun read and prove a distraction which, all things considered, is no bad thing.

    Liked by 1 person

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