Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 8/30/2020: Updates and Goodbye August

sunday (249x249)mm
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog…
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists….

Hello all, where did August go? I like this time of year with Summer still here but also with Fall just around the corner. My reading is still behind but I am managing to read here and there. Thanks for your kind words last week. I still have no answers on my skin issues, the biopsies came back unidentifiable. I went for a second more detailed round of blood-work this past week and am waiting on those results. For the past 7 days or so I have cut out several things from my diet that are potential allergens like nuts and even chocolate and I’m eating as clean as I can. I also stopped using products and stopped eating foods containing artificial dyes to see if that makes a difference.

We’ve had a quiet weekend here so I’m relaxing at home and trying to read and crochet, maybe watch a movie later. I worked yesterday but I refuse to work today. It’s so easy with working from home to log in for “just a few” then before you know it several hours have come and gone.

Onto my bookish updates….

in my mailbox:
Truthtelling: Stories, Fables, Glimpses by Lynne Sharon Schwartz has arrived via BookTrib/Meryl Moss Media

reading now:
My co-read of The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen with Velvet continues and I am enjoying this book very much. I mentioned last week that I am finding it very Zen-like. The book continues to take me away to exotic places and I like when the author writes about Buddist teachings and the different cultures and people he is coming across on the journey.
“A downward path is forged through the wet snows, striking a tree line of dwarf cedar six hundred feet below, and emerging at dusk on a saddleback ridge of alpine tundra where it is flat enough to pitch a tent. -p.70

coming soon:
I swear my thoughts on Final Flight by Eric Anderson will be up soon.

Cat couch in progress! I had put this project to the side with not feeling well this month, but I picked it back up again this weekend. I’m more than halfway done with it.

That wraps it up for now, what are you up to? Thanks for stopping in 🙂


Some of the links in the post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small affiliate commission. The photos here are my own and not to be removed from this post.

30 thoughts on “Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 8/30/2020: Updates and Goodbye August

  1. It is so easy to get carried away working from home, just logging in to “check” real quick. Good for you for taking a day for yourself. and good luck with the skin/ biopsy issues- I hope you get answers soon.

    Hoping you have a great weekend as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope you solve your issues. I’ve had allergies my whole life but have found what works for me after 40 years of suffering. Luckily, I have very few food allergies which are not severe. It’s pollens, dust, mold and cats which kill me and other than pollen that’s year round stuff.

    I don’t like the – every day is the same- either and have to remind myself to set a few activities that are different or to take a break once in a while and not always be on myself to get work accomplished. I often worked 6-7 days a week in the office back in those days.

    I love to see the crocheting projects. I haven’t been knitting much but I’m trying to do some sewing / quilting now.

    Anne – Books of my Heart Here is my Sunday Post

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, ugh. I’ve suffered from allergies for a long time also and I am allergic to the same, pollen, dust and mold and cats. This breakout is widespread and totally different this time though.

      Happy knitting and quilting!


  3. Sorry to hear that Toby are still having skin issues. Hopefully it will clear up soon.

    I am actually sorry that summer will end soon. I just got back from the beach, which has been a place that I am enjoying this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so ready for summer to be over. It’s too hot and not having had a break (travel!) has made it really long. I’m sorry you still don’t know what exactly is going on with your skin issues but really hoping you find relief soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am ready for summer to go but I don’t want Winter here yet. Especially if we have to quarantine again, at least with warmer temps we can take walks and go to the park etc.
      Thanks and happy reading this week!


  5. Oh goodness, such changes to your life. Hope you find the cause of the skin troubles soon. Looking forward to see the cat couch 🙂 I’m planning to take an online class on how to crochet granny squares. Something new and different for September.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I had a skin allergy a few years ago. It came from nowhere and like you tests showed nothing. I know how distressing it must be for you. Mine was on my face and I stopped using all soap and moisturizers and eventually, after months, it cleared up. I hope you find some answers.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your finished cat couch. I’m knitting blanket squares at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ugh, it’s so frustrating but I am trying to stay positive. I’ve had it happen on my face as well before and it turned out it was a new product I switched to.
      Happy knitting! This cat couch is a huge project.


  7. I missed your post last week but I’m so sorry to hear about your skin issues. I hope you can find some answers soon.

    I’ve wanted to read The Snow Leopard forever. I’m glad you are enjoying it.Have a good week and happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Naida,

    I can only echo everyone else’s comments about your tests and hope that you find some relief very soon.

    We have been out a few times, however the one thing we haven’t been able to do so far this year, is a trip to the coast. I’m not much of a beach person, but I do like to find a rocky spot and listen to the waves breaking. Once all the children go back to school hopefully places will become a little less crowded and we might be able to make an early morning trip somewhere.

    I had thought that lockdown might have been a time for me to catch up some of the crochet blankets I have to complete, so that I can bring down the enormous stash of knitting wool I have around the place. But alas, that hasn’t happened either, as I have ended up by taking on more and more publishers and PR companies for book reviews and promotion, so I have less free time than I had before!

    I am really going to have to think about a serious cull of both wool and books, much as it will break my heart to do so!

    Take care and have a safe week 🙂

    Yvonne xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Yvonne. I haven’t been to the beach this year myself and I do like to go in August especially because I like when it’s cooler in the evenings and we watch the sun go down on the beach. Hopefully you get to go soon once school is back in session.

      Lockdown has been hard getting used to. At first for weeks I could not read or crochet at all then I got used to it and am a bit more relaxed finally. I may have to do a self imposed read-a-thon these next couple of days to get back on track with reviewing and reading.
      Happy reading and stay well!


  9. Naida,

    I hope you feel better soon and that you’re okay. August has passed by quickly. I’m looking forward to the fall season which starts in a few weeks. I love the color of that yarn and can’t wait to see the finished project! I try not to work at home but sometimes need to do little things. Have a good week ahead! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I like working all day which is good for me. If I am home and get on my phone I will loose hours on FB or YouTube. 🙂
    I hope the further testing helps find a cause for your rashes.
    Enjoy your reading and crocheting!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I lose time on social media also, and I love youtube. I have several historical channels featuring the Tudors that I watch nightly.
      Thanks and it’s almost Friday!


  11. I like this time of year too. I hope your test results come back with answers so you can try and treat the issue. Your weekend sounds nice. 🙂 I hope you enjoy your new book and current reading! Take care of yourself and have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

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