Really Random Tuesday: Bates Motel, The Revenant and etc.

Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends–announcements, musings, quotes, photos–any blogging and book-related things you can think of. I often announce my book giveaway winners in these posts. If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, “grab” the button for use on your own blog. RRT is hosted by the lovely Suko.

Happy Tuesday, a little bit early because I know tomorrow I probably will not get time to log onto my computer to post.
I figured I would just chat your eyes off about a few things this evening. Also, thank you all for wishing me well when I mentioned my mystery allergic reaction a few days ago. I saw the allergist today and she wants to see me in a few more weeks once the meds are fully out of my system so she can do some skin testing. It seems to be something I am touching rather than eating that is the culprit.

So, this is Otis after his visit to the groomer recently. He looks like he is smiling doesn’t he? He also came home scented like watermelon since the scent is part of the grooming service (as if he’s an air freshener lol). He’s a long haired chihuahua but I prefer to keep him trimmed during the warmer seasons.

On another note, I recently binged watched the first three seasons of Bates Motel on Netflix and have just been completely hooked. It is based on the original  Alfred Hitchcock movie “Psycho” and gives the backstory of Norman and his mother Norma.

The casting is fantastic and the story-line is thrilling. If you watch it, I recommend seeing the original Hitchcock film first. I like that in the series Norman and Norma seem to behave and dress as if they are from the 1960’s but the show itself is set in modern day.
I have spent several evenings cuddled up in bed watching Bates Motel on my Nook while crocheting. Is anyone watching it as well?

Another thing I recently rented was a movie called Room, which is based on the novel by Emma Donoghue. I haven’t read the book but added it to my wishlist list immediately after seeing the movie. It is about a 24 year old woman named Joy who has been held captive for 7 years in a single room. She has a 5 year old son by her captor. This one was difficult to watch but worth seeing. It made me shed a tear and it makes for interesting conversation. It really showcases the strength of the human spirit under the worst of conditions, not to mention the bond between a mother and her child.
*movie poster for fair use from Wikipedia

I also ventured out to the movies to see The Revenant, which I cannot rave enough about. I don’t like going to the theater unless some of my favorite actors are starring, which in this case they were. This film is inspired by the life of frontiersman Hugh Glass and set during the early 1800’s. It is filmed beautifully and the performances by both Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy were fantastic. Not only did I enjoy the history behind the story-line itself but also the way the film portrays the way the indigenous people were treated and what they endured. From the first scene on I was captivated. The life of those frontiersmen is also fascinating to think about. This one also showcases how people can survive through sheer will. Easily one of my fav films this year and Leo’s Oscar was well deserved. (Also I just love that Leonardo is such an activist and speaks out about the environment, using his fame as a platform for this cause. That is really great.)
*movie poster for fair use from Wikipedia

Lastly, I recently finished up a custom order for this amigurumi Thor. I am happy with how he turned out but I have not watched anything Thor related. I know the recent film is popular. The hammer was the most complicated part of this project as the pattern was not complete so I ended up working it freehand.


That covers it for now. I hope you all enjoy your week and thank you for stopping in 🙂

What is new with you?


disclaimer: Nothing in this post is available for download. The photos here are my own unless otherwise noted.

17 thoughts on “Really Random Tuesday: Bates Motel, The Revenant and etc.

  1. I have been wanting to watch Bates Motel but haven’t started it yet. Sounds like a really good show so I better add it to our Netflix queue. You are so talented with your crocheting skills. I just wish that I knew how to do that myself. Some day I will learn 🙂 Have a great week Naida!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Otis totally looks like he’s smiling. What a cute pup! And, your Thor came out so cute. I love seeing your finished projects. I do want to see the Revenant but I think I need to prepare myself for it. I’ve heard it can be a bit hard to watch. And, good luck with the skin test!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Room, both the film and the book, look to be compelling.

    I might shy away from it however. This kind of story seems to disturb me a little too much.

    Thor looks great.

    Otis looks great, happy and sharp!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww… Otis is so cute! He does look like he’s smiling. 🙂

    I haven’t read Room but I knew it has received lots of great reviews. I suppose I’ve to read the book first before watching the movie.

    Hope you’ve a great week, Naida!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Naida, my blog roll is slow to update, which is why I’m late to your RRT post. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for doing this meme.

    Otis is very adorable!!!!! His face is darling, and he looks very happy in the photo. Your crocheted Thor is a work of art.

    I am not familiar with the Bates Motel series, but I’m glad that you enjoyed it. I’d love to see the movie Room. I read most of the book (then lent it out) and plan to see the movie. I’d also like to see The Revenant, now that you are recommending it so heartily. Leonardo DiCaprio is a great actor.

    Fun post, Naida! I hope you’re having a terrific week, and thanks again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Susan, don’t worry about being late to my posts lol. I am late to everyone’s posts 🙂

      You know I enjoy your meme very much, it’s a great way to catch up on random updates.

      Enjoy your week as well and thanks for stopping in!


  6. Oooh The Bates Motel caught my eye awhile back, though I let it fall by the wayside. Maybe time to get into it. And omgosh, Room, that’s such a sad story. I read it last year, and don’t know if I can handle the movie as well. It’s quite harsh and bleak, isn’t it, and I feel like the visual aspect would only increase that. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, though. Apparently the actors in it do a great job!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Lady Disdain, I recommend Bates! I need to read Room but have to prepare myself for it, since the books tend to be so much more emotional than the film versions. It was a sad one to watch. Yes, the actors did a great job.

    Enjoy your week!


  8. Hi Naida,

    I did mention that I thought your allergy might be something you were touching, rather than something you were eating. Try and cast your mind back and see if there was a particular new plant you handled, or even brushed against on your travels, as that was the eventual diagnosis my consultant came to. He actually had photographs of his patients skin complaints and had matched up the different rashes, with the offending plants. He had me diagnosed within a couple of minutes and decided that no medication was necessary, we just needed to dig up and destroy the offending bush and not to touch it again … job done 🙂

    I love the ‘Otis’ look, especially those amazing ears. He just looks so happy!

    It sounds as though you have had a busy week, I hadn’t realised that you actually took custom orders for your crochet work, I don’t know how you fit everything in. It’s not surprising that you don’t get to blog hop very often!

    I hope that your weekend isn’t going to be too hectic and thanks for taking the time to visit my blog as often as you do 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Yvonne. I think you might be right, that I have touched something. But I can’t remember what it could have been. You are lucky your reaction healed on its own. I will be getting allergy tested in a few weeks and hopefully I will find out what the heck has done this to me.

      Otis is a little spitfire and provides good company for me.

      At times I will take a custom order here and there if I I have the time for it. Not often though, as there are not enough hours in the day and I don’t like feeling like I have a deadline looming ahead of me to get custom orders complete.

      No thanks necessary! I always enjoy visiting your blog and reading your well thought out posts. Happy week my friend 🙂


  9. Thanks for the Revenant recommendation. I’ve wanted to see this film but dreading it at the same time, because it looks really brutal. But now I will see it.

    I loved ROOM (the book). Must have been a really challenging book to adapt to film, which i liked–the actors were brilliant, but the book is just incredible.

    Hope you are well and allergy-free!

    And thanks for the adorbs dog photo. 🙂


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