Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday: 5/26/24 Updates after hiatus and Happy Memorial Day

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists…

Hello, happy weekend. How are you? If you’re here reading this THANK YOU 🙂 I disappeared off blogland around last November so I appreciate you stopping in. A few weeks passed by without my blogging last year, then I kept meaning to jump back in and before I knew it 6 months went by. I’ll share a few updates here today and I’ll be blog hopping also. I’ve missed blogland.

Otis is good, he had his teeth cleaned a few weeks ago and that went well. We still walk nearly daily, he gives me a guilt trip if I don’t walk him. He turned 10 in December. And I went on vacation to Puerto Rico last month which was like paradise and I’m still not over it. I’ll share a few pics in the upcoming weeks with my updates.

onto my updates….

coming soon:
I have been reading but not reviewing so I caught up on writing reviews this past week. I’m recently obsessed with audio books and listening to them nearly daily. Reviews are scheduled to post for these scattered throughout the next few weeks….

in my mailbox

How to Fall for a Scoundrel by Kate Bateman arrived via the publisher. I like this flirty vibrant cover.

Also in my mailbox: Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder from the publisher, Rolling Towards Clear Skies from the publisher and I pre-ordered You Like it Darker. The Lenny Marks cover is fun, I’ve never read a Catherine Ryan Hyde book I didn’t like and I’m already halfway through the King short stories.

In honor of Memorial Day I’ll close with a few photos of a trip we took to West Point Military Museum this past February. The museum was amazing, with 3 floors of artifacts from every U.S War. It’s free to visit and free parking also.

This is Ulysses Grant’s sword belt from when he was a general in the Civil War. He graduated from West Point in 1843.
Below are flags that were used during the Civil War.

The Vietnam section was so interesting and when I saw this part about Robert Jones being a POW for 7 years in Vietnam, I wound up listening to his story online as well as a few others Vietnam POW’s stories. He was in the Air Force when his plane was shot down and he was captured, those are the clothes he was wearing when he was released. You can listen to him speak about it online by clicking here.

This is a M1917 tank in the artillery room. It weighs 6 tons. That smaller tank in the bottom left corner is a German demolition tank used in WW2.

That covers it for now. Tell me everything I’ve missed in the comments. What you’re watching, reading, crafting, cooking etc. Enjoy your week and happy reading. Happy Memorial Day.

disclaimer: Nothing in this post is available for download. The photos here are my own and not be to be removed from this post.

23 thoughts on “Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday: 5/26/24 Updates after hiatus and Happy Memorial Day

  1. The museum looks fascinating – Himself’s hobby is military history, so he’d love it. Glad you’ve made it back after your hiatus and I hope you have a great week:)).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Otis is adorable and we all have moments when we fall of the wagon. One year i did not craft most of the year which is quite unusual for me as i craft most weekends but i just did not have the motivation to make things that just sit. People tell me i can make a ton of money but with my job craft fairs are not possbile and i have very little success on etsy or other sites. But i came around to just doing it for the joy and now i just keep it untill i can find a home. Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you 🙂 I’m the same, I crochet for the joy it brings me now and sometimes I’ll go weeks without crocheting if I’m not in the mood. I’ve considered doing a craft fair, maybe one day but with work it’s hard to find time for it all. Have a great week too!


  3. It’s hard when you take a break, intentionally or not to get back in the rhythm of blogging. I love audiobooks as well, but I have a hard time following suspense books on audio. Have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is hard coming back after a break. I feel the same about audiobooks, I had a hard time following along certain ones. For me it depends on the number of characters.

      Have a nice week!


  4. Good to see you on the blog again! Have to say, I’ve been uninspired to blog myself. Hopefully I’ll be better this summer. I loved seeing your Puerto Rico pictures on Instagram. It does look like paradise!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have not been as active in blogland either, sadly. I am glad to see you back–and Otis too! I am glad you were able to get away to Puerto Rico. I look forward to seeing photos from your trip. Looks like you’ve read some great books recently! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Wendy. It’s hard to make time for it all. And blogland is one of those things that once you start blog hopping and writing up posts, 2 hours easily fly by. Enjoy your weekend too!


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