Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 1/22/23: Book and Crochet Updates

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists…

Happy weekend. It’s been a busy week and yet somehow it’s still January. I worked remotely all week but I went into the office one day mid-week and that ended up becoming a 10-hour workday not including the commute, which left me totally drained. Then my insomnia set in for a few nights after which is so exhausting. I’m hoping to just relax today, read a little and binge watch GOT.
Here’s Otis on his afternoon walk last Sunday at the local park and although it was cold, the views are so peaceful out there.

onto my weekly updates…

recently on the blog:

I had a pretty quiet blog week but I did manage to share Top Ten Tuesday 1/17/23: Bookish Goals for 2023. This was a fun topic and I found that several other bloggers wanted to go to the library more and get their pending Net Galley books reviewed.

coming soon:

I’ll be sharing my thoughts on When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer this week. I meant to get my review up yesterday, but the day got away from me.

I’ll be sharing my thoughts on Vampires and Villains by Elizabeth Pantley on Wednesday as part of a book tour.

in my mailbox:

A Gilded Death by Cecelia Tichi came via the publicist this past week and it looks like a good one. This is for a late February review.

I have a few projects going on, but I decided to crochet a mood blanket this year. The idea behind a mood blanket is you write down your moods and assign them colors…i.e. blue for relaxed, pink for creative…etc. I decided to add a row of multi-colored yarn on the days I do yoga so some days will have 2 rows. So beginning on January 1st, you crochet a row for your mood daily for the whole year. However, I’m not going to be doing 365 rows, I think I’ll stop at the 6-month mark.

This is my blanket so far up through January 18th. I picked white for tired and there’s plenty of those days for January so far. I’m only using yarn I have already so this is also a great way to stash bust. I have accumulated so much yarn that I have a linen closet full of it, plus several duffel bags full so I’m totally on a yarn buying ban. I had to tell friends and family not to buy me yarn this past Christmas please because I already have a massive collection. 🙂


I finally started Game of Thornes last week and it has taken over my life lol. I’m halfway through Season 2. Have you watched it?

That covers my updates for now, what have you been up to? Happy reading this week!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this post is available for download. The photos here are my own and not be to be removed from this post.

22 thoughts on “Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 1/22/23: Book and Crochet Updates

  1. I’ve seen temperature crochet blankets before where you assign a color per every 5-10degrees of weather to reflect the ups and downs of temps. But never a mood one. I’m too even keeled, there wouldn’t be much variety in the colors. 🙂 It’s a fun idea and I look forward to seeing your progress. I got some yarn for Christmas and have finished a fluffy. cozy afghan that I love. Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

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